Boulder County kitchen / meal staff and volunteers

November SENIOR NEWS: a pilgrim Thanksgiving

News you can use, gathered into one article
==SENIOR NEWS: hidden hospital fees / arthritis pain / exercise classes / 4 shopping events / KMart / wildlife / holiday stress / post office / tularemia / wreath sales / donate / new vet / 2 restaurant news / healing center / 3 obits / social security increase / tabor refund / help with fed issues / Medicare / books & news / Bo Co Resource person changes / new kitchen mgr / new Bo Co Healthy person / fun activities for seniors in Lyons and Front Range / November birthdays

October SENIOR NEWS: sewing patterns

October SENIOR NEWS: sewing patterns

News you can use, gathered into one article
==SENIOR NEWS: sewing // bus trip // picnic // movie club // bad pain in stomach // obits // Longmont Senior Ctr // Financial Educators – Soc Sec class // Medicare Open Enrollment // prescription plan over months // compare changes in your Plan // Medicare Scams // SSI new law // AARP Forum on Aging in CO // Medicare Part D changes 2025 – Inflation Reduction Act //fewer forms to sign Soc Sec // November elections // Town Art Show // Rave to Grave, and parade // watercolor class // concert at Wildflower Pav. // talk on diet, exerc and sleep // Veterans Resources Fair and help “Stand Down” // Walks, talks Open Space // Longm and Boulder sr ctrs // Euchre card playing // square dance // 2 museums Day of he Dead events// October Birthdays //

September SENIOR NEWS: unions over the years

September SENIOR NEWS: unions over the years

News you can use, gathered into one article
==SENIOR NEWS: unions in CO // flower arranging // movie club // exercise affecting sleep // free vaccines // 50 years Lyons Mid/Hi School bbq // Falsl Prevention // jobs for 55+ // Senior Law Day // your election account // 3 Lyons art shows // bus trip to Lights Show // Senior annual picnic // new watercolor class // Pavilion music concert // town exercise, walk // BCAAA library open house // nature journaling // fall color talk // Bo Co Open Space activities // 25 activities of interest to seniors in September // birthday list

August SENIOR NEWS: finding a good doctor

August SENIOR NEWS: finding a good doctor

News you can use, gathered into one article
==SENIOR NEWS: Finding a good doctor // Senior Ctr news // new model to train medical students // wildfires // bus service // neighborhood library // recycle glass // hard rock miner story // flea market // hardware store // who or what retired // Medicare Anniversary & Changes // new laws effective// Medal of Freedom // Social Security Acct sign in changes // art in Lyons // free concert // list of 21 fun activities for seniors, incl “Granny Brunch” and free “Legendary Girls” history performance.