Floodplain maps and chance to lower flood insurance costs for Lyons
Is Lyons a member of FEMA Community Rating System?
On June 7, 2024, Robert Brakenridge stated on Lyons Happenings/Facebook:
“After all these years since the flood of 2013, why hasn’t the Town of Lyons joined the FEMA Community Rating System (CRS)? Longmont and Boulder have.
Joining this program would lower flood insurance costs for many residents: FEMA would provide discounts of 5-45 %. Given Lyons’ state of compliance, probably close to the 45% mark. That is a big savings!
Under the National Flood Insurance Program’s pricing approach, the CRS discount is applied to the full-risk premium for all NFIP policies in the Regular Program in a participating community, including policies outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).”
Refer to: https://www.fema.gov/floodplain…/community-rating-system
This program is nationwide… (remainder of post edited out due to repetitive nature)
The Lyons Recorder sent this posting to the Town. The Town responded to our question about whether they are now on the program, as of July 2024, as follows:
We were notified by FEMA.
The Lyons Board of Trustees adopted Ordinance 1075, on January 21, 2020, adopting best available data, which uses both the existing FIRM and the Preliminary FIRM to regulate development.
FEMA will be adopting the Preliminary FIRMS as Effective FIRMS in October 2024. The Town is currently updating their regulations via Ordinance 1165 to reflect this FEMA mapping update.
On July 22, 2024 , the Town of Lyons will hold a public meeting to discuss the adoption of the preliminary FIRMs.
Review the July 2024 Floodplain Ordinance Update to the Board of Trustees.
(submitted by Kim Mitchell, Town of Lyons Communications director 7/17/24)
Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (This Information provided by Town of Lyons)
Not sure if you live in the floodplain? What is the impact of new flood maps? How will they affect you? Or your property?
FEMA has notified the Town of Lyons that the Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) will need to be adopted in late October 2024.
The Town must adopt the latest flood maps and update its local ordinances regarding flood prevention and floodplain regulations. Review the information on the town website
Make plans to attend an informational session on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the library.
This is FEMA’s official government Flood Map web site: CLICK HERE
Town Hall says that representatives from the Colorado Water Conservation Board and National Flood Insurance Program will be present to answer your questions. Meet our local Certified Flood Plain Manager, Justin Doles, and learn more about flooding, development, and permitting within the Town of Lyons. See the maps online townoflyons.com/floodmaps2024