Boulder County studies wildlife crossings on Hwy 36, and bikeways
Boulder County is in the process of planning wildlife crossing structures along US 36 between Boulder and Lyons. These structures help reduce collisions between vehicles and wildlife, and make it easier for animals to move around the area. The project is still in its early planning phases and public input, including input from nearby property owners, will be requested and used as the project progresses.
TOP 5%
The section of US 36 between Boulder and Lyons (emphasis on Nelson to St. Vrain) was rated in the top 5% and has the highest prioritization score in Region 4. This is based on modeling that includes wildlife-vehicle collisions, deer/elk density of winter range use, deer/elk migration routes, traffic volumes overall, and distance from suburban housing density.
Wildlife strikes average 3.2 animals per mile/per year which is more than 10 times higher than the rest of Boulder County, which averages .26 strikes per mile/per year.
The human cost of wildlife collisions is significant. Each accident typically costs drivers $11,100 in property damages and over $101,000 if injured.
Potential Locations
==All highway segments ranked in the top 5% of the ESPWPS were further assessed in person.
==Consultants examined the surrounding topography to identify suitable locations for wildlife crossings and assessed whether existing infrastructure could be modified to accommodate these crossings.
==Six areas were identified as potential wildlife crossings and one existing structure could be improved.
==Page 232 of the ESPWPS appendix provides further details about the recommendations.
The Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee (POSAC) reviews proposals and advises Parks & Open Space staff and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on open space issues, new land acquisitions, and the management of existing properties. == Meetings are held in person and online. Boulder County Courthouse. Public speakers will have a time limit (usually 2 to 3 minutes).
Go to this page for a list of POSAC AGENDAS, and how to send in your comments, and upcoming tours of properties.
North Foothills Bikeway Feasibility Study
The North Foothills Bikeway Feasibility Study is underway to determine the feasibility of a bikeway along US 36. This study aims to determine the viability of constructing a dedicated bikeway that would be physically separated from motorized traffic.
The study is looking at the 11 miles between the City of Boulder and the Town of Lyons. The study focuses on land that is within CDOT right-of-way. The Boulder County Transportation Planning Division is working with CDOT, County Parks and Open Space, the City of Boulder, and the Town of Lyons on the study.
The purpose of the bikeway is to improve safety and comfort for cyclists of all ages. This road has more crashes that involve cyclists than any other road in unincorporated Boulder County. The most common type of fatal or major Injury bicycle crashes are caused by a motorist rear ending a cyclist. A bikeway providing separation from motor vehicles would decrease or eliminate this type of crash on US 36/North Foothills Highway. The bikeway could also provide increased access to trails and connections to popular cycling routes along the corridor.
Upcoming Public Meetings with the BIKEWAY study on the AGENDA:
==City of Boulder Transportation Advisory Board, 6 p.m. Monday, June 10. View information on how to email the board or speak at the meeting.
==City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Board of Trustees, 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 12. View information on how to email the board or speak at the meeting.